Seoul VR AR Expo를 방문하시는 참관객에게 몬스터VR 자유이용권을 증정합니다
몬스터VR 자유이용권[32,000원 상당]을 선착순 10,000명에게 증정 [5/30(목): 3,000명, 5/31(금): 3,000명, 6/1(토): 4,000명]
몬스터VR 자유이용권을 소지하여 송도점 또는 건대점 몬스터VR 매장 카운터에 제시하여
자유이용권으로 교환 (3시간 사용)유료결제자(사전, 현장)에 한하여 1인 1매 증정
사용 가능 기간: 2019년 6월 1일 – 2019년 8월 31일까지
1회에 한해서 1인 1매 사용가능
- *타인에게 양도하거나 판매할 시 사용하실 수 없습니다.
Korean VR Contents Industry Promotion Strategy
Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism has announced to promote the VR contents industry by
establishing the Realistic Contents Promotion Committee. The VRCIA will propose the Korean VR
Contents Industry Promotion Strategy for government.
Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism has announced to promote the VR contents industry by
establishing the Realistic Contents Promotion Committee. The VRCIA will propose the Korean VR
Contents Industry Promotion Strategy for government.
김동현 Dong Hyun Kim
– 1991~1996 Chief Researcher, Virtual Reality Lab., KIST
– 1996~1998 Chief Researcher, Virtual Reality Lab., ETRI
– 1999~2000 President, Korea Game Promotion Center
– 2001~2012 Professor, Dept. of Digital Contents, Sejong University
– 2012~2016 Chief, Technology Research Lab., Cybertech Holdings
– 2016~2017 Chief, Virtual Reality Research Lab., Putto Entertainment
– 2017~present Chairman, Virtual Reality Contents Industry Association(VRCIA)
– 1991~1996 Chief Researcher, Virtual Reality Lab., KIST
– 1996~1998 Chief Researcher, Virtual Reality Lab., ETRI
– 1999~2000 President, Korea Game Promotion Center
– 2001~2012 Professor, Dept. of Digital Contents, Sejong University
– 2012~2016 Chief, Technology Research Lab., Cybertech Holdings
– 2016~2017 Chief, Virtual Reality Research Lab., Putto Entertainment
– 2017~present Chairman, Virtual Reality Contents Industry Association(VRCIA)
Segment Marketing Manager, Asia Pacific
Introducing HP Virtual Reality Headset and VR Backpack G2: A new standard in commercial VR
In this session, VR Backpack G2, which is just launched worldwide launch on 5/28, and latest VR Headset introduced. In addition to product differentiations, the design intent and behind stories will be shared.
In this session, VR Backpack G2, which is just launched worldwide launch on 5/28, and latest VR Headset introduced. In addition to product differentiations, the design intent and behind stories will be shared.
Woon Yung is Asia Pacific workstation segment marketing manager and alliance manager in HP desktop and mobile workstations. Woon Yung has 19 years’ experience in workstation industry, spanning various segments including product development, media & entertainment, and OEM.
Woon Yung is Asia Pacific workstation segment marketing manager and alliance manager in HP desktop and mobile workstations. Woon Yung has 19 years’ experience in workstation industry, spanning various segments including product development, media & entertainment, and OEM.
Patrick Chiaki Furuyama
Project lead’s VR video platform business and the Japanese VR trends
[발표내용] started its VR video platform since 2016 and has marked 36 million USD annual sales. I will share what we have been through, and the future of VR from our perspective. started its VR video platform since 2016 and has marked 36 million USD annual sales. I will share what we have been through, and the future of VR from our perspective.
Patrick Chiaki Furuyama
Project lead of VR Researching of 18 year’s experience in media, including experience in VR, CGI, Cinematography and Acting
Project lead of VR Researching of 18 year’s experience in media, including experience in VR, CGI, Cinematography and Acting
VP of Skonec Entertaiment.
*현(주)SKONEC 부사장, VR사업단 단장
– VR Summit, KRNET, IT조선, 전자신문, YTN imagine등 다수 VR강연
– 가상현실 세상이온다 등 저서 출반
– 환타VR, 아이돌 유니버스VR(VR참참참)등 다수의 VR프로젝트 프로듀스
– 모탈블리츠VR 총괄 프로듀스
– 체감형 디바이스 통합 플랫폼 개발 총괄(IITP)
*한국 (주) SKONEC 콘솔, 아케이드사업부 본부장(개발 이사)
– 마법천자문DS
– KPOP Dance Festival Will 외 다수
*일본(주)SUCCESS 온라인사업부 총괄
*계명대학교 도시공학과 졸업
Rotor Studios
Scott Bradley
Founder & Managing Partner
Intelligent Content Creation in AR & VR
The rapidly changing landscape of AR & VR presents both opportunities and challenges for enterprise clients. Join Scott Bradley, Managing Partner of Rotor Studios, in exploring how Rotor’s Intelligent
Content Creation process drives quality, flexibility and efficiency in this space. The session will include discussion on how Rotor works with clients such as Toyota to maximise their investment in this area.
The rapidly changing landscape of AR & VR presents both opportunities and challenges for enterprise clients. Join Scott Bradley, Managing Partner of Rotor Studios, in exploring how Rotor’s Intelligent
Content Creation process drives quality, flexibility and efficiency in this space. The session will include discussion on how Rotor works with clients such as Toyota to maximise their investment in this area.
Scott Bradley
Scott Bradley has enjoyed over 25 years in advertising and marketing – starting out as an Editor and then TV Commercial Director, he has witnessed massive changes in content creation and delivery technologies. Now a Managing Partner at Rotor Studios, a company he founded 18 years ago, he is actively navigating the business through the evolving marketing landscape and disruptions caused by rapidly changing technology.
Scott Bradley has enjoyed over 25 years in advertising and marketing – starting out as an Editor and then TV Commercial Director, he has witnessed massive changes in content creation and delivery technologies. Now a Managing Partner at Rotor Studios, a company he founded 18 years ago, he is actively navigating the business through the evolving marketing landscape and disruptions caused by rapidly changing technology.
촬영별 장비 선택 및 VR 라이브스트리밍 Selection of shooting equipments and VR live streaming
장비별 특성에 따른 촬영별 장비 선택과 VR(360 2d/180 3d)라이브스트리밍
Selection of shooting equipments according to the characteristics of each equipment / VR(360 2D/180 3D) live streaming
장비별 특성에 따른 촬영별 장비 선택과 VR(360 2d/180 3d)라이브스트리밍
Selection of shooting equipments according to the characteristics of each equipment / VR(360 2D/180 3D) live streaming
Director of Photography, Technical Director,photographer
Director of Photography, Technical Director,photographer
Happy Finish
Marco Marchesi
Faster than real-time: creating AR Experiences with AI and 5G
The advent of 5G will significantly boost how we use AR on mobile, without being limited to
device capabilities. The assets will be rendered on the cloud in real time and the camera stream will be
processed remotely through low-latency AI architectures, creating experiences that will be more
immersive and context-aware.
The advent of 5G will significantly boost how we use AR on mobile, without being limited to
device capabilities. The assets will be rendered on the cloud in real time and the camera stream will be
processed remotely through low-latency AI architectures, creating experiences that will be more
immersive and context-aware.
Marco Marchesi
Marco Marchesi is CTO at Happy Finish. After an award-winning career in Media Production and Visual Effects he focused his attention on the engineering side of the creative industry. His research has been applied to Human-Computer Interfaces and Computer Vision at the University of
Bologna and in Conversational Design and Machine Learning at Apple Siri in California. He pursued a PhD in Advanced Technologies for Mixed Reality. In 2016 he joined Happy Finish to lead the development of cutting-edge Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence applications. Currently Marco’s research is focused on how Machine Learning can change the creative pipeline and how to integrate AI and AR on mobile applications.
Marco Marchesi is CTO at Happy Finish. After an award-winning career in Media Production and Visual Effects he focused his attention on the engineering side of the creative industry. His research has been applied to Human-Computer Interfaces and Computer Vision at the University of
Bologna and in Conversational Design and Machine Learning at Apple Siri in California. He pursued a PhD in Advanced Technologies for Mixed Reality. In 2016 he joined Happy Finish to lead the development of cutting-edge Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence applications. Currently Marco’s research is focused on how Machine Learning can change the creative pipeline and how to integrate AI and AR on mobile applications.
HTC Corpearation
WeiGing Ngang
Head of Vive Ecosystem APAC
How to cpaitalize on the upcoming explosive growth during the 5G era
WeiGing Ngang
Weiging is the Head of VR Ecosystem and VIVE X Global Accelerator of APAC and ANZ.
While recruiting VR startups to VIVE X, He is also resposible for VR
Ecosystem enablement. He maintains close ties with VR developer communities and provide various supports to teams for better VR ecosystem.
Weiging is the Head of VR Ecosystem and VIVE X Global Accelerator of APAC and ANZ.
While recruiting VR startups to VIVE X, He is also resposible for VR
Ecosystem enablement. He maintains close ties with VR developer communities and provide various supports to teams for better VR ecosystem.
Fallen Planet
Alex Moretti
Co founder
From PC to PSVR, porting to VR's first consumer console
Alex Moretti
Alex Moretti co-founded Fallen Planet Studios in 2013, working alongside Oculus even before the 2014 Facebook investment. Since then Fallen Planet Studios has ported to every major VR platform, developed an LBVR licensing model that gives them a reach into 45 countries, and worked directly with the leading manufacturers of VR hardware peripherals to integrate them into the experiences that Fallen Planet creates.
Alex Moretti co-founded Fallen Planet Studios in 2013, working alongside Oculus even before the 2014 Facebook investment. Since then Fallen Planet Studios has ported to every major VR platform, developed an LBVR licensing model that gives them a reach into 45 countries, and worked directly with the leading manufacturers of VR hardware peripherals to integrate them into the experiences that Fallen Planet creates.
AR solution to improve industrial safety and work efficiency
AR greatly improves work efficiency in factories and manufacturing sites and reduces unfortunate casualties of unskilled workers.
The AR Remote Assistance solution allows workers wearing smart glasses to send their workplace images to a remote expert. Experts can see the scene video, talk to the worker, draw an image on the worker’s glass screen, or help with instructions.
The AR manual visualizes the user manual and work instructions on the facility through smart glass, smart phone, and tablet PC. This helps the worker to intuitively understand work methods and precautions to improve work speed and accuracy.
AR greatly improves work efficiency in factories and manufacturing sites and reduces unfortunate casualties of unskilled workers.
The AR Remote Assistance solution allows workers wearing smart glasses to send their workplace images to a remote expert. Experts can see the scene video, talk to the worker, draw an image on the worker’s glass screen, or help with instructions.
The AR manual visualizes the user manual and work instructions on the facility through smart glass, smart phone, and tablet PC. This helps the worker to intuitively understand work methods and precautions to improve work speed and accuracy.
– Ph. D and research professor, KAIST
– Reviewer, VR/ISMAR/CHI/ISUVR conferences
– Ph. D and research professor, KAIST
– Reviewer, VR/ISMAR/CHI/ISUVR conferences
가상 현실 기술을 이용한 의료, 헬스케어 시장의 혁신 MEDICAL & HEALTHCARE INNOVATION with VR TECHNOLOGY
가상현실 기술을 이용한 의료 교육, 디지털 헬스케어 사례를 소개하고 가능성과 비전을 제시한다.
Introduce medical education and digital healthcare cases using virtual reality technology and present possibilities and visions.
가상현실 기술을 이용한 의료 교육, 디지털 헬스케어 사례를 소개하고 가능성과 비전을 제시한다.
Introduce medical education and digital healthcare cases using virtual reality technology and present possibilities and visions.
서틴스 플로어 대표
Chairman / Founder of THIRTEENTH FLOOR Corp.
서틴스 플로어 대표
Chairman / Founder of THIRTEENTH FLOOR Corp.
Multiplayer online VR game; live operation & development strategy
(Former) Global team lead / NEXON
Choi currently oversees product development of PIXPELPIMS with his extensive & hands-on experience in gaming industry from PC, Mobile, VR as well as Console.
(Former) Global team lead / NEXON
Choi currently oversees product development of PIXPELPIMS with his extensive & hands-on experience in gaming industry from PC, Mobile, VR as well as Console.
공동창업자, 운영 및 마케팅 책임
The business applications of eye-tracking technology-VR/AR/Mobile
– VisualCamp Co-founder/COO&CMO
– PhD in MBA(Marketing) from Soongsil Univ.
– 30 years’ experience in Sales & Global Marketing
– Former Marketing Director of Seoul / Innovative Business Director of ESMEC corporation
– Awarded from Minister of Korean Science & ICT Ministry in 2018
– VisualCamp Co-founder/COO&CMO
– PhD in MBA(Marketing) from Soongsil Univ.
– 30 years’ experience in Sales & Global Marketing
– Former Marketing Director of Seoul / Innovative Business Director of ESMEC corporation
– Awarded from Minister of Korean Science & ICT Ministry in 2018
Avinav Trigunait
Research Director
Augmented and Virtual Reality technologies and the blurring lines between physical and digital worlds
Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies [AR/VR] have come a long way in the past couple years from being a technology seen with skepticism initially to quickly becoming a technology of promise for the future. IDC forecasts the AR/VR market will sky-rocket over the next few years, with global spending on AR/VR technologies expected to reach USD 20.4 billion in 2019, an increase of 68.8% over the USD12.1 billion spent in 2018.
AR/VR technologies are already being deployed by organizations across sectors from marketing to operations, customer engagement and redefining the way we work and engage with the physical world. In this session, the IDC analyst will present the key AR/VR trends, opportunities and how these technologies are helping shape the future of work-live-play.
Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies [AR/VR] have come a long way in the past couple years from being a technology seen with skepticism initially to quickly becoming a technology of promise for the future. IDC forecasts the AR/VR market will sky-rocket over the next few years, with global spending on AR/VR technologies expected to reach USD 20.4 billion in 2019, an increase of 68.8% over the USD12.1 billion spent in 2018.
AR/VR technologies are already being deployed by organizations across sectors from marketing to operations, customer engagement and redefining the way we work and engage with the physical world. In this session, the IDC analyst will present the key AR/VR trends, opportunities and how these technologies are helping shape the future of work-live-play.
Avinav Trigunait
Avinav is Research Director with IDC, leading the Asia/Pacific Future of Work, AR/VR and mobility practices, based in Singapore. In this role, he provides strategic insights and advisory services to business leaders, C-Level executives for their
business transformation, technology investments and go-to-market strategies. He also manages the startups/innovator program at IDC Asia/Pacific.
Avinav brings deep understanding of the technology sector and analyzes the impact of emerging technologies such as AR/VR, AI, Software Defined-IT, Blockchain as well as demographic changes, and evolving people behaviors on Future of Work and society at large. He has delivered several strategic engagements such as M&A advisory,
digital transformation roadmap, new product launch, and data analytics and governance advisory for clients across Asia Pacific, Europe and North America markets.
Prior to joining IDC, he was with Deloitte’s US Innovation group and before that, he worked for Wipro’s Business Innovation Group. Avinav has authored several whitepapers and reports- published on, and by Deloitte University Press and
Wipro Council for Industry Research.He is a featured speaker at various industry conferences and forums. Avinav holds a Bachelor of Business Management from Alliance Business Academy, and Master of Management from ISME. He is also
certified in Six Sigma Black Belt from Indian Statistical Institute and Design Thinking certified by MIT’s Sloan School of Management.
Avinav is Research Director with IDC, leading the Asia/Pacific Future of Work, AR/VR and mobility practices, based in Singapore. In this role, he provides strategic insights and advisory services to business leaders, C-Level executives for their
business transformation, technology investments and go-to-market strategies. He also manages the startups/innovator program at IDC Asia/Pacific.
Avinav brings deep understanding of the technology sector and analyzes the impact of emerging technologies such as AR/VR, AI, Software Defined-IT, Blockchain as well as demographic changes, and evolving people behaviors on Future of Work and society at large. He has delivered several strategic engagements such as M&A advisory,
digital transformation roadmap, new product launch, and data analytics and governance advisory for clients across Asia Pacific, Europe and North America markets.
Prior to joining IDC, he was with Deloitte’s US Innovation group and before that, he worked for Wipro’s Business Innovation Group. Avinav has authored several whitepapers and reports- published on, and by Deloitte University Press and
Wipro Council for Industry Research.He is a featured speaker at various industry conferences and forums. Avinav holds a Bachelor of Business Management from Alliance Business Academy, and Master of Management from ISME. He is also
certified in Six Sigma Black Belt from Indian Statistical Institute and Design Thinking certified by MIT’s Sloan School of Management.
Virtual Youtuber & Unity
– What is Virtual Youtuber
– Facial Capture
– Motion Capture
– How to make
– What is Virtual Youtuber
– Facial Capture
– Motion Capture
– How to make
Jihyun Oh, Unity Lead Evangelist, joined Unity in 2014. He started his career in the game
industry 10 years ago, and has experienced in various fields including PC online game development, services, software development and lectures on game development in university. He introduces the latest tech news and knowledge, solves their difficult issues together and shares the idea with Korea developer community as a lead evangelist.
Jihyun Oh, Unity Lead Evangelist, joined Unity in 2014. He started his career in the game
industry 10 years ago, and has experienced in various fields including PC online game development, services, software development and lectures on game development in university. He introduces the latest tech news and knowledge, solves their difficult issues together and shares the idea with Korea developer community as a lead evangelist.
LENS Immersive
Travis Rice
Founder, Chief Content Officer
The Collision of Video and Interaction
Travis Rice
Founder and CCO of LENS Group Australia, Canada, China and HK. Travis Rice has more than twenty years of experience working with artists and future technology in museums, galleries and the hi-tech sector. Growing from his time with international institutions such as Apple, Biennale of Sydney, First Night Austin, and Blizzard Entertainment he has brought this combination of skills to the forefront by founding the LENS Group. Travis has brought together art and technology in successful international exhibitions and venues all over the world, with work which has been viewed by millions of people in over two dozen countries. As the Chief Content Officer, Curator and Director of the LENS Group Travis brings ties to content producers and technology companies all over the world, from verticals such as fine and performing arts, foreign film, mainstream media and pop culture.
Founder and CCO of LENS Group Australia, Canada, China and HK. Travis Rice has more than twenty years of experience working with artists and future technology in museums, galleries and the hi-tech sector. Growing from his time with international institutions such as Apple, Biennale of Sydney, First Night Austin, and Blizzard Entertainment he has brought this combination of skills to the forefront by founding the LENS Group. Travis has brought together art and technology in successful international exhibitions and venues all over the world, with work which has been viewed by millions of people in over two dozen countries. As the Chief Content Officer, Curator and Director of the LENS Group Travis brings ties to content producers and technology companies all over the world, from verticals such as fine and performing arts, foreign film, mainstream media and pop culture.
LENS uses A.I. and machine learning to accelerate our next generation custom codec, TORII: built from the ground up for blazing fast and ultra efficient delivery of 4K, VR and AR content. TORII is at the heart of our initiatives in the VR and AR ecosystem and powers our custom VR streaming platform, TYKO which delivers true-meta, VR, AR interactive gaming experiences on all device types including our VR live streaming equipment and our growing content catalogue.
Katsumi Matsuda
Executive officer
Application of Driving Simulator Systems based on 3D VR for Vehicle Dynamics Research and Development
Katsumi Matsuda
FORUM8 Executive officer, Manager of System Sales Group.
Since entering the company in 1998, he has been engaged in various kinds of system integration projects and business proposals mixing and matching a good chemistry of VR, FEM and design software packages developed by FORUM8.
He also has much experience in proposing and successfully delivering a great number of unique simulation systems that incorporate many different types of hardware and software, all of which can now be interfaced with UC-win/Road through system integration, to many high-profile customers in the automotive industry.
FORUM8 Executive officer, Manager of System Sales Group.
Since entering the company in 1998, he has been engaged in various kinds of system integration projects and business proposals mixing and matching a good chemistry of VR, FEM and design software packages developed by FORUM8.
He also has much experience in proposing and successfully delivering a great number of unique simulation systems that incorporate many different types of hardware and software, all of which can now be interfaced with UC-win/Road through system integration, to many high-profile customers in the automotive industry.
Korean Defense Reform 2.0 and importance of Military Virtual Training system
– Ptolemy Principal Research Engineer
– Hongik University Graduate School animation
– Ptolemy Principal Research Engineer
– Hongik University Graduate School animation
To Exhibit
전시 정보 요청
SEOUL VR AR EXPO 참가를 위한 정보가 필요하신 경우, 요청에 따라 아래 정보를 보내 드리도록 하겠습니다.
전년도 결과보고
행사 소개자료
브로셔 파일
To Visit
사전 등록
SEOUL VR AR EXPO 사전등록을 하시면 현장에서 본인 확인 후 바로 입장이 가능하십니다. 원활한 비즈니스 상담을 위하여, 고등학생 이하 관람객은 6월 1일 (토) 한정 전시회장 방문이 가능합니다. 참고 바랍니다.
사전등록 – 무료(선착순 5,000명) / 5,000원(3.29일까지) / 7,000원(4.30일까지) / 20,000원 (5.29일까지)
현장등록 – 20,000원
현장등록 – 20,000원